Giving is a beautiful thing as is receiving, however, we as black women sometimes have issues when it comes to receiving love, kindness, compliments, help, the list can go on. Don't wait until you are drained of all your life essence and have no more to give. Don't turn into the lock nest monster when you kids say "mommy can I have" for the hundredth time in an hour or when your spouse says" honey can you rub my back" an your voice goes deep as you turn green and hulk out.
So how exactly do you harness feminine energy? Well are 4 ways to start today.
Allowing someone to help you
Accepting a compliment
Allowing yourself to enjoy relaxation
Slowing down and allowing things to happen
This is the very basis of feminine energy. Allowing is the state of the energy which welcomes the receiving. You can liken in to male and female sexual interactions. I once heard a wise person say" make love to life" now I actually understand the meaning. The meaning is like a give and take of energy or a push and pull like cetripetal and cetrifugal forces