Gobble Gobble Goes the Turkey
Goggle Gobble goes the turkey. That’s how I felt this Thanksgiving. Stuff me and put me on the table. I ate dinner this Thanksgiving because I had to cook so it was just convenient. Even thought it was a Vegetarian Thanksgiving,I had terrible heart burn and bloating afterward. I think it’s because I had been 7o% raw for 3 weeks prior and my stomach wasn’t prepared for the high amount of cooked food. The more my body rejected the over processed food of Thanksgiving the more I realized the raw food meaning.
The Experiment
I just had to do this experiment for myself. What I have learned not just this go round but on the ups and downs of many diet changes is to find what works for you and make it a lifestyle. Stick with it! It takes months even years to undo some diseased states. I learned this in, My Struggle to Experience the Raw Food Diet Benefits, causing me to feel like I am confusing my gut. Sorry Gut! My other discovery is that when your body gets used to a lifestyle of eating even if it is more healthy then the S.A.D standard American diet, like vegetarian or vegan, your body does build up an immunity to the diet and settles. You may have to raise the bar with raw juice fast or water fasts.

The Purge
Ok now it’s time to get busy. I got eating cooked food out my system, now I have to literally get the cooked food out my system. LOL I took to senna pills during dinner to get a head start. Thank goodness cause they are starting to work. waited 12 hours and took 2 more in preparation of my big juice tomorrow. I am starting to feel some relief from the heart burn and boating. My Journey for raw food meaningI found the Raw Food Meaning in 3 Ways Diet after diet, lifestyle after lifestyle but I felt no complete resolution. Not until my last raw juice fast of 70% raw juices and one 50/50 raw meal.
1- I started to hear the food speak. I know I know it sounds crazy but I literally started feeling my gut bacteria’s conversation change. They do say your gut is a second brain. I started waking up with different thoughts. Thoughts like let’s go to the gym right now. LOL Not the groggy feeling of aw turn the lights out and give me a few more minutes. I found raw food meaning via my gut.
2-The Neurons in my brain started activating. My brain began to move more clearer and my eyes started to see crisper. I found raw food meaning in my brain.
3-My body wasn’t as sluggish as before. I started to jump out of bed without a though and go all day without wanting to take a nap. I found raw food meaning in my body.