And Were Off: Raw Food For Life?
Thanksgiving is finally over and the last of the food is about done. Whew! I was like a crack head in a crack house trying to drink an ice tea. LOL My major struggle has been cooking for a family while trying to go raw. Holiday are hardest but during the week is not so bad as long as I meal prep. I’ll have my salads cut and a meal or three pre made so I don’t have to toil in the kitchen and think too hard.This brings us to our first practice that will help you stay on track while going full on “Raw Vegan Food” Practice One: Raw Vegan Food Meal Prep My many failed attempts were solely because I wasn’t prepared. I know you have heard it before that preparation is key. However, it is the truth. When your stomach starts rumbling and your kids are eating a plate full of fries, you need to be prepared. Preparing even 50% will save your attempt to go full blast on a raw vegan food diet.

Practice Two: Patience
I had this vision of this magical transformation. I would just start juicing and the fairy juice mother would just wave her carrot sticks and I would be transformed. Well,unfortunately, life is not that simple. Things take time. All good things come to those who have patience. Or is it those who wait? Well you get the point. So don’t beat yourself up and take a breath focus, write your purpose, goals and keep a food journal.
Practice Three: Process Food Window
The third best practice is to start your raw with a process food window. For example juice or raw food all day and eat one meal between 4-8pm. Then reduce it to a 50% raw meal between 4-8pm Keep reducing the process food until you have more desire for the raw foods all the while still juice fresh fruit and vegetables. Also replace any process drinks and snacks with raw. This process should ease the process. No pun intended. LOL